Myra Glenson, formerly homeless, is recovering from a devastating divorce, but never fully recovered from losing her top accounting job. Each day, opportunities for her to rebound in the city of Baltimore become near impossible. Bart and Kat Simms are kind local dry-cleaners who remind her of her grandparents. They also clean her suits for free as she goes from interview to interview. They see Myra struggling to stay afloat and eventually offer her a cashier’s position. When you pick up your clothes from them, you get a little something extra — but nothing’s free, especially in this world.
They also clean her suits for free as she goes from interview to interview. They see Myra struggling to stay afloat and eventually offer her a cashier’s position. When you pick up your clothes from them, you get a little something extra — but nothing’s free, especially in this world.
Myra Glenson, formerly homeless, is recovering from a devastating divorce, but never fully recovered from losing her top accounting job. Each day, opportunities for her to rebound in the city of Baltimore become near impossible. Bart and Kat Simms are kind local dry-cleaners who remind her of her grandparents.